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Reviews for Hiei's Harem - Pt. 9 - Heating Up

By : 66Hiei08
  • From Legilmyth on September 10, 2009
    Well that was well done. Isn't Kurama and the others in for a surprise. LOL
    And all because of our beloved Hiei. ANyway, keep up the good work.
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  • From LadySesshoumaru on September 10, 2009
    yeah i'm still here......i'm not going's kind of sad yet romantic the way those two had to die.....another great chapter
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  • From LadySesshoumaru on September 08, 2009
    i'm lovin the story so far and understanding more and more about hiei thanxz for sharing......i can't review like i would like anymore because i started school today... but i will review when i can keep up the great work.
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  • From POHness1 on September 02, 2009
    awww, its kinda sad that Minoro can only get a certain amount of pleasure from their encounter. *sigh* the cruelties. still, it would be better for Minoro to do it than the others. can you imagine hiei getting knocked up at the same time as his mates?

    ... ur not secretly planning that are you? hmmm? ~_^

    anyway, i love the story. this will be an interesting installment of the series - i can tell already. plz continue ^_^
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  • From LadySesshoumaru on September 02, 2009
    wow 3 yummy chapters...i needed those....starting to understand hiei better know....and the things he does.....please update soon thanxz
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  • From LadySesshoumaru on August 30, 2009
    what did they mean at the end of this chapter i can't wait for more to find out....another great chapter keep up the great work(^___^)
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  • From LadySesshoumaru on August 28, 2009
    hey i am of to work so i didn't get a chance to read bothe chapters but i like it so far it's good to see someone say that there going to continue and actually do so thanxz much can't wait to get home and read more.
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