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Reviews for Dark Side

By : Mikeal
  • From RenegadeRaine on November 07, 2006
    This story was probably posted a long im ago, as I've been searching through archives and reading. I just wanted to say that this story is a work of true genius, evil gnius, but stil are very talented.
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  • From ANON - SilverPheonix on April 28, 2004
    Wow!!!!!!!!! were did that come from!?!?!? it was amazing koemae was a lunatic you rock !!!!!!!!!
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  • From ANON - SiLvEr on March 01, 2004
    Woahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh dude................That was actually a really sad story it made me cry. I like it I truly do except...HO..HOW COULD YOU KILL HIEI!!!!!!.......GRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR!!!! Sorry got a little carried away there.
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  • From ANON - gasps on December 29, 2003
    Wow. Read all the chapters and I think there's a whole mess of screws
    loose somwhere. Must be how you created an addictive story.
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  • From ANON - YRU Koenma and Yusuke yaoi fan on September 29, 2003
    Oh man! That was a wondeful fic! It brought tears to my eyes! I Loved it! So much.
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  • From ANON - stayingput29 on September 20, 2003
    HI!! (waves) I always seem to play catch up on stories...LOL.. But wanted to let you know I read the whole thing and I thought it was a very good story... I still don't know what got into Koenma though did he have split personality...??? Or was it because his did did that and more... What made him go mad???? But any Howdy Who!!! Great Story and I am glad I finally got a chance to read it.... Later... Mules
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  • From ANON - Alexcia on September 20, 2003
    A strangely psychotic Koenma going around rapeing and killing almost everybody... sweet. Please, please, please UPDATE SOON! Oh and my friend Kuri says, "Kewl story, can't wait till you update it ^___^ Bye-bye"
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  • From ANON - MistressNika on September 19, 2003
    OMG! I can't believe you have no reviews! This story is incredible! I love it! Please continue it! I can't wait until Koenma follows through with his plans for Botan. I laughed myself silly the first time the other Koenma appeared. I couldn't stop thinking, "Koenma hears voices!" But, of course, it was a dark, evil, psychotic kind of laugh that tends to freak my friends out. So, uh, yeah. Please continue! ^_^
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