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Reviews for lost memories

By : roseplunkett
  • From ANON - kome on November 17, 2006
    hey love the story keep up with the great work k?
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  • From ANON - Miss Cradle on October 15, 2006
    first off woman you do have him OOC. I've seen all the anime and have read the manga while he varies between each YOU DO HAVE HIM OOC! So you should post the damned tage. I didn't see the other flames. But I saw the story when originally posted. Maybe it was hard for the person to realize she got her memories back because your paragraphing was so bunched together it was hard to tell WTF was going on. Not to mention the grammar was horrid. We are readers NOT beta. preach about your rights as an author and all that bullshit BUT when you post it on this site you are opening yourself up for reviews AND flames. You take the good with the bad. You obviously deleted them because I don't see them. Would have liked to seen another's review. The chapter is SHORT. But she loses her memories at the start, regains them, and FUCKS Kurama all in one chapter. WHERE is the plot? The developing of a relationship. SORRY, Kurama's character would NOT fuck with someone he wasn't in a relationship. THAT IS OOC. Any fan of the series would tell you that. He might do so if he just thought of her as a piece or was paying for it on a bad day. But that's not what happened is it. NOOOO!

    Saying it's not a self insert PLEASE, don't fool yourself. Even if it's for your friend it's still a self insert. You just sticking your friend in it so she can get her deprived kicks as well. You didn't use the name but I noticed you use mention of the one name in another one of your self insert stories. You need to state it's a self insert and OOC b/c it's both. Not a very good one at that. BTW the more stars means it's more liked. NOT the other way around. I've seen it a 2 or 1. That should tell you something. You have no plot what so ever. You are just putting you and your so called friend in there so you can imagine yourself doing a YYH character which is sad.

    Now you can delete this if you wish but like I said by posting on this side you are putting your stuff up to be reviewed AND flamed. Don't expect people to tell you what they DO like if you aren't woman enough to listen to it when they say they DON'T like it. Delete this and I can and WILL leave another one. Next one will be nastier and not as pleasant.
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  • From ANON - unknown on October 15, 2006
    You have got to write another chapter because this fanfic is so cool.

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