Last Song | By : Resting-Madness Category: Yuyu Hakusho > AU - Alternate Universe Views: 1125 -:- Recommendations : 0 -:- Currently Reading : 0 |
Disclaimer: I make no money from this. I endorse nothing of the products mentioned or locations. All main characters used are from the world of Yu Yu Hakusho, I did not make them up myself. |
Hiei scrunched his eyelids together to block out the sunlight that is coming in through the window; and now that he's semi-conscious, he notices it enough to be bothered by it. Rolling onto his side, he throws an arm over Kurama but made contact with the mattress instead. Popping his eyes open to see that his red haired lover is gone. Turning back over on his back; his semi hard-on reaching up to somewhat tent the blanket, Hiei can suddenly recall last night. He had every intention of returning to his penthouse to tell Kuronue what happened, but he instead wound up here at Kurama's apartment. Hiei barely realized what he was doing as he removed his shirt, then Kurama's. The red head steered him into his bedroom and over to the bed; as soon as he felt Kurama's weight down on him again Hiei was as hard as steel and thrusting his hips up into the city boy's.
Kurama had him trapped at the lips within his own, the red heads gentle tenderness was greeted with rough and owning kisses, which caused his lover to smile before taking a bite of Hiei's upper lip then bottom. The vocalist moaned at the slight pain that sprang to his attention at the peircing of his skin, but it only drove him to seek out more. His tongue dove into Kurama's mouth like it were a swimming pool, and he indulged in a few laps before the swimmer was clamped onto then mercilessly sucked. Hiei refused to be outdone in this, so he tried for plan B, and pulled down the zipper of the violinist's jeans then shoved his hand inside. Placed at an odd angle he stroked the red head's member through his boxers.
Kurama cried out from the shiver that ran down his spine which broke the kiss with Hiei. His long legs bent in so that he's straddled around Hiei rather than just laying on him, face planted in the shorter male's neck he moans, sighs and groans from pleasure while his boyfriend teases him with chaste strokes.
Kurama would pay millions for Hiei to shove his hand into his shorts and stop messing with him, but it seemed his boyfriend had the cruelest intentions because his hand dipped a little lower to fondle his balls. Kurama's body jerked forward and he faintly heard himself whisper 'please' before he felt the skin on skin contact of Hiei's hand to his erection. Feeling a bit satiated, his breathing a bit more even he sucked at the vocalist's throat while plotting his revenge.
"Hiei wait," he whispers into his ear.
"Hm?" He gave the older male's package a squeeze, smiling at the sound it produced.
"Please wait. I have to get something." He rocked his hips into the touch seeming to be unable to stop himself even if Hiei did.
Unsure if he should trust the male, he eventually stopped his fondling and let him go. Backing off the bed, Kurama removed his jeans then dashed off to the bathroom.
Hiei looked down to see what Kurama was doing, hoping for a replay of the last time from this scenario, but the sneaky older teen didn't turn on the bathroom light. Hands falling at his sides, he noticed that he still had his jeans on as well; undoing the fasten he then unzips the fly and slides them off, briefs attached. Sitting up he crawled to the center of the bed to wait for Kurama. When the red head returned, Hiei practically opened his arms in delight that he'd come back. Noticing a bottle of lubricant in hand, Hiei almost came just thinking about returning to that warm place deep inside the other male, infact he was so distracted with the thought he didn't notice that Kurama had his other hand behind his back.
Minamino climbed onto the bed opposite Hiei then as he lays back, he says to him. "Climb on my lap." His hidden hand suddenly revealed itself; empty, but if they were being watched a viewer might note that Kurama seemed to be lying back a bit strangely.
Doing as he was told, Hiei straddles the male's hips then leans over to continue with the wonderful dance between their lips and tongues.
'That's right.' Thinks the lucid Hiei as he recalls his night.
Something hard, yet, soft and dense ran along his back. It traced slowly up and down his spine in a wet trail, lingering at the small of his back tickling its way over his buttocks, then as if it never happened it just sort of went away. Before the vocalist could wonder what that was, Kurama's hands clamped onto the under side of his legs parting them further before the nimble digits advanced up towards his butt. The singer absently noticed the warm wet of the red head's hands as he done that, however, his thoughts were halted when that moist pair of hands began to knead his buttocks like it were dough.
Hiei's grinds down became more serious when Kurama's fingers start to trace their way between his cheeks. Interlaced, all eight fingers brush past his sensative hole while violinist's thumbs helped to keep him spread apart. Hiei has never felt so exposed but at the same time he could barely comprehend his position in the matter, too enthralled in the new sensations as a finger went beyond brushing him and actually entered him. He arched his back at the odd feeling rushing in and out of him as another finger came slipping in.
Eyelids tightly together, he can't hold back a single sound as his hips rock back and forth onto Kurama's slender, and wonderfully intrusive fingers. He heard a faint sound from Minamino before he felt his lips against his once again, though Hiei's unable to return the gesture from being too numb in the pleasure, he gladly accepts the kisses.
The two worked like this up and down with Hiei's hips, in and out with Kurama's fingers until they removed themselves from him and in their place Hiei rocked his hips back directly onto something much larger in width and longer in length. He cried out from pain of surprise and yet it only drove him to continue moving until it stopped hurting. He never liked accepting pain, it just wasn't in him.
When Kurama's member bumped into a wall of flesh within Hiei but it continued to move as though it could go further the vocalist was gifted a peek into the golden gate utopia in the clouds; although, he thought a penis would have felt a bit differently somehow. Where was the heat aside from his own? Where was the-... His body moved on its own accord, jerking in writhe as a low vibration pulsed through him. He heard himself nearly shouting in pleasure as his body went from horizantal to vertical then back to horizantal before he felt the mattress on his back, that's when the slow movement of the toy in and out of his body became a demonic battle between sword and laughably flimsy shield.
Hiei remembered whiting out somewhere in there; between Kurama's thrusting the toy into him, and his other hand jerking his member, he had no time to speculate about the needs of the pleasure bringer. The red head must have been doing something to himself somehow as well, because he was sure he heard him moaning into his ear as he came with him.
Shaking away the memory, he held his stomach which ached a bit now that he noticed it, his butt hurt a bit too. 'I can't believe I lost my virginity to a toy.' Hn, he smiled good humordly. 'I wonder if it's free tonight?' Hiei snickered as he achingly got up from the bed. Hobbling to the bathroom, he glanced at the clock before closing the door and it pulled back open like it would rip from the hindges. Eyes wide in disbelief he looks at the time.
"It's 11:38?!"
Kuronue was going to kill him.
Closing the door after his departure he gave the knob a turn, having locked it from the other side he had to make sure it actually locked. After a second thought, he felt up his pants for his phone releasing a sigh of relief when his hand brushed past it.
'Better start thinking up something to tell Kuronue and the others.' Worried the singer. Just as he turned for the elevator his steps are halted by a man coming from the apartment next to Kurama's. Slipping on his sunglasses, he says. "Hello." Then proceeds to move past him but the man stops him with his words.
"So that was you last night?" He asked without really making it sound like a question.
Pale, Hiei asked as casually as he can. "What?"
With a sly smile, he sidles over to the shorter male. "Last night, that was you wasn't it? It must have been!" He says before Hiei can even tell him otherwise. "I recognize your tone of voice." The guy laughed a bit. "I didn't know Shuichi had another boyfriend, the last guy was a bit on the silent side, but you..." He shakes his head an impressed smile on his face. "I almost had to explain to my daughter about the birds and the bees."
Angered that this man is making jokes Hiei rolls his eyes. "Is this going anywhere because I'm already late for another appointment."
Blinking at the bitter tone in the males voice the man shakes his head while waving his hands defensively. "No, don't be mad. I just wanted to say good for you."
Blinking, not sure what to make of the statement, the vocalist shoved his hands into his coat pocket then turned for the elevator. "Whatever." Is his final word to the man.
The keys jingle from Hiei's pockets, clanking into one another until he extracted the correct one into to slip in the door knob. Pushing the door open he sucks in a breath to hold onto while he's onslaughted with insult and questions, but when nothing came he wondered if his best friend was even at home? Tossing his things into the bowl by the door, hanging his coat on the hook, he headed farther into the penthouse.
"I'm home!" He called out; turning his head toward the kitchen when something slammed down on the counter, Hiei traveled in that direction.
Kuronue is at the refridgerator grabbing a beer, which is what created the sound that called his attention. He looked more bored than annoyed but his body language betrayed his face, and the guitarist stomped back over to the table where his lunch is set.
Straightening his back for a bit of assertive confidence, he stepped into the kitchen and over to the table, where he then took a seat. "Sorry for coming home late, but you're not gonna believe what happened yesterday.. What the hell does that mean?" He asks when the eccentric band-mate and best friend mimes something at him.
Rolling his eyes, Kuronue again mimes the actions of a zipped lip before he points at Hiei.
"You're not talking to me?"
The nightengale taps his nose as if to say 'bingo' he then held up three fingers.
"For three days. Alright, but at least hear me out. Yesterday when Yusuke and me went to get lunch I got a phone call from Sawada."
Still bitter, his best friend at least seems to be listening.
"When I got there, he said that I now have a girlfriend." When Kuronue cocked a brow, Hiei nods. "You remember that photographer from the 'private thoughts' shoot?" Kuronue seemed to be thinking it over and ends up shaking his head. "Well her name is Trini Park, and I have to take her to dinner tonight so the papparazzi can see us together."
"To promote the album?" Asked Kuronue.
Smirking, Hiei says. "I guess three days came sooner than I thought."
With a shrug the male replied. "You had a good enough reason for ditching us, but then there's the fact that you didn't come home last night." He stabbed his fork into a pot sticker the shoved the little dumpling into his mouth.
"I know. I meant to come home right after that and tell you, but then I got a little side tracked when I saw Kurama."
Looking as though he'd just been hit by devine knowledge, he quips. "Of course." Lips sticking out in a pout, he glared his friend down. "I can smell him on you."
"Kuro, don't hate him. You don't even know him."
Pointing his fork accusingly at his best friend he retorts. "And you'd probably like to keep it that way."
"No. Infact, you can meet him tomorrow- I swear."
Unsure, he sees the urgency in his friends eyes and eventually gives in. "Alright. Tomorrow. As soon as possible."
"As soon as possible, yeah..." Hesitating, he sees Kuronue wave his hand in a circle for him to go on. "We slept together last night, and I didn't get up until now."
Eating in silence, he sighed. "And that's why you're late?"
Hiei nods.
"Alright. I forgive you." Swallowing his large bite, he adds after clearing his mouth of food. "Yusuke might be another story."
With a shrug Hiei comments. "That I can get used to." Reaching over to his friends plate he took a couple bites of food then left the table. That worked out better than he'd thought, now how was he gonna get them to like Kurama; most importantly how would the others take to him wanting to be openly gay? This is their career at stake; if anyone finds out... But he can't hide Kurama from them forever, eventually his disappearing act won't easily be accounted for.
Turning a slow circle, Hiei spreads his arms. "How do I look?"
Noizu held in a snicker causing the vocalist enough embarrassment to shrink away. This was the last thing that he wanted, and now everyone is laughing at him. He chose to dress in a manner that flattered him, but at the same time wasn't in the least bit romantic because he doesn't want to mislead the woman into thinking he might actually enjoy this date with her.
"Hiei, ties aren't for everybody. Maybe you should ditch it." Suggest Koenma, who's sitting on Hiei's bed against the headboard; the other two band members are stretched out on Kuronue's bed, legs kicking up and down, cheeks resting on balled hands while they watched the cheap fashion show. Basically being immature giggling children.
"If you think it's a bad look that's all the more reason to keep it." He turned to the mirrow to readjust his wine colored tie. Running a hand down his black dress shirt, he then checked his slacks for his phone and keys. Feeling the lumps in his pants pockets, he picks up his suit jacket, and slips his arms into it.
"Leave your keys, I'll be up." Says Kuronue barely keeping in his laugh. "I want every detail when you get back."
"Hn. Better hope you're not next; I'll bet Sawada finds you a real bowser."
Snickering, he shakes his head saying rather guile. "I don't care. I'll at least have enough decency to dress for a good picture, and not end up looking like a little dork."
Glaring at his friend he checked his watch. "I have to go." Taking the keys from his pocket he lobbed them at his best friend in hopes to hit him but the guitarist caught it easily. Walking across the room he ignored their laughter and murmurs.
"Don't do anything we wouldn't do." Says Yusuke whom, yes, is talking to Hiei. Yusuke said he got over it yesterday, because ignoring people is boring work that he just didn't feel like doing.
With one final tightening of his angered jaw Hiei plastered on a false smile as he walked out the door, and loaded the elevator. It's gonna be a long night.
Trini Park actually looked really nice. Her hair done in a dressy bun at the back of her head, flower clips peppered here and there within it. The dress she chose to wear looked like she was ready for spring at least through the color: a light blue, a bit of lace, knee length, but the cut and fabric of the dress showed that it was good to wear in the cold weather without you freezing. The two of them sat queitly at a table. They had no conversation between them after the initial 'Hello', 'How are you?', 'You look nice' was exchanged and that was in the limo. Yeah, what a fine couple they must look like when they're unable to speak to one another.
'How could Sawada do this to me? Doesn't he know that no one cares about who I'm with- or if I'm with anyone at all for that matter.' He takes a sip of water from his glass. Setting the glass down, he turned his gaze in the direction of a small pile up of papparazzi that swear they're being casual by actually getting a table to eat. 'Better make conversation before they suspect something.' Thinks the vocalist.
"Your pictures came out really well, Hiei. The camera loves you." Says Trini beating him to the verbal punch.
"Good." Was all he could think. Photoshoots, this is her conversation. Hn. What do you expect when you're mock dating a photographer.
Looking uncomfortable, she asks. "How old are you?"
"Going on eightteen, next month."
She nearly choked on her sip of wine.
Wiping her lip, Trini shakes her head. "No. Not at all, I just had no idea that you were a teenager."
That made Hiei wonder if he was starting to look old in his age. That just didn't seem likely. Maybe the situation caused her to think that he was older. "How old are you?"
"Kind of young yourself; how long have you been taking pictures?"
"It's actually a job that my cousin and I do together. I'm her assistant, but Mr. Sawada asked me to do your shoot that day so we could become acquainted."
Nodding, Hiei picked up his fork then began to eat his nearly finished main course. Just dessert left and he's out of there.
Glancing about, Trini put a smile on her face to make it seem as though they're having a great time together rather than sitting in the uncomfortable mess this actually was. "Looks like its working, those four haven't stopped snapping shots of the two of us."
"Hn." He set his fork down. "How much longer do you think we'll have to keep this up?"
"Maybe just a month or so; relationships are so fleeting these days."
Smirking, he picked up his glass. "Then, to a couple of months from now." He says holding the glass out to her's.
"A couple of months." She clicked her glass to his in toast.
1 year later...
Hiei couldn't believe that May had gotten here so quickly, he also couldn't believe that his charade with Miss. Park is still going on. What kind of life is this? He'd finally gotten around to telling his situation to his lover, who merely shook his head, then said that music was an odd industry. And that he was glad nothing like that went on in the classical world of entertainment.
So, here he is in the new normal, having lunch with his mock 'girlfriend' who will be taking photos of the band again at random points in time, while they're on the 'Private Thoughts' tour. The group has done a slew of interviews, answering a new batch of the same questions:
Where do you see your group going after this album?
How long have you been seeing Miss. Park?
Do the fans mob you when you walk the streets now?
What are you doing over your break?
Most of the time Hiei just sat quietly while listening to the interview go on, letting the others answer all the questions. He was beginning to get a bit of a reputation of being the silent type now. He liked giving people that air of mystery, especially when he refused to answer questions about his relationship. He's eighteen years old now, to him questions such as "What he gave Trini for 'White Day'" is both stupid and no one's business but his own- and not just for the fact that she infact isn't his girlfriend, but because whether it was her or his publicly made relationship with Kurama, it isn't anyone's business.
Speaking of Kurama...
Hiei's car just drove past the restaurant. That was their signal.
Swallowing the bite of food in his mouth, he began to cough when it tried going down the wrong tube.
Standing in alert, Trini patted his back; voice full of concern, she asks. "Are you alright?"
Waving her away, he cleared his throat, ridding it of the trecherous bite of food. As causally as he could, before anymore attention was drawn to him, Hiei declared. "I'm going to the bathroom. I'll be back."
"Okay." Responded the photographer returning to her seat. Watching him a moment, still not sure if the vocalist is alright, she reluctantly turned her gaze out the window and seemed to admire the flowers set in a box on the windowsill.
Slipping away to the back door of the restaurant by the restrooms, the vocalist passed by his driver who nodded a greeting to him before walking around to the front of the restaurant, to partake of a lunch that Hiei promised was on him. The man was so excited he didn't even bother to ask why the vocalist wanted the car alone, or why he asked for Noizu's new violinist to be picked up before he came over, all he could think was three course meal on his boss.
Hiei barely had the door closed before Kurama tackled him to the long leather seat of the tinted window limo. Ten minutes later, Hiei is arching in pleasure mostly from the hungry sounds Kurama is making while giving him a blowjob; what is it about sneaking around that makes sex so much more enjoyable? He supposed he'd never know; however, the thought of Trini sitting in that restaurant waiting for him to get back from the restroom, put an extra excited shiver up his spine as he gripped the seat, a groan sounding from it, and he bucked his hips upward asking for more. Just what did he and his old boyfriend do together that Kurama could do this to Hiei's body. Such suction and a tightly clamped mouth, this can't come natural.
"Aaah!" He cried out in climax, chest heaving up and down as he shrank onto the seat; Kurama cleaned him up.
Just his luck the phone started to ring; probably Trini wondering what was taking him so long? Although the likelyhood of her calling him while he's in the bathroom seemed impossible. Maybe it's Sawada telling him he can drop the act with miss Park.
Picking up the incessantly ringing phone from the floor where he placed it, Hiei's eyes widen when he sees that the number is his mother's. Flipping the phone open he says hurridly. "Hello?"
The woman was quiet for a moment, then in a low voice she said. "Hiei's it's Yukina, you'd better come home."
Hiei's blood ran cold, the air just didn't feel right. He had to get home now!
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