Last Song | By : Resting-Madness Category: Yuyu Hakusho > AU - Alternate Universe Views: 1125 -:- Recommendations : 0 -:- Currently Reading : 0 |
Disclaimer: I make no money from this. I endorse nothing of the products mentioned or locations. All main characters used are from the world of Yu Yu Hakusho, I did not make them up myself. |
The small group's chatter was halted when their vocalist jumped from start, which caused his chair to create a loud squink when it slid across the uncarpeted floor of the dining room in the hotel where they are staying until the limo shows up to take them to the train, so they can board it and ride to Chiba in a private car.
Looking his shortest best friend over with an assessing eye, Kuronue grabs him by the shoulder giving him a concerned squeeze. "What's got you spooked?"
Glancing at him, Hiei looked frazzled then schooled it away to say. "Nothing. I just thought something touched my leg."
Doubting that were true, the guitarist let him go then returned to his breakfast of shrimp and grits. Something about the way they described the meal made him want it. But it got cold half way through eating it, because he decided that flapping his gums over a porno he paid for in his room was a better option than eating.
Hiei continued to glance in the direction he'd seen a patch of red hair, but was disappointed to find that what he'd seen was actually just someone's hat- and not a good-looking one either. Settling back in his seat, he looked down at what he'd ordered and frowned. I hate eggs. Wrinkling up his nose he eats them regardless, since he wouldn't have anything until lunch and that was only if he wanted to eat something quick before they are on stage. He usually has a bag of cookies, or something like a can of soup from the vending machine to eat while the band continues to play. Hiei still doesn't like the idea of singing other people's lyrics, especially when he has to change clothes like some puffed up boyband member or some R&B show off. Rock stands its own ground, and doesn't need a million disguises for people to get it. At least the second CD would be something worth singing about. Sex is easy- everybody understands desire, even if the listener, like his self, has never had it.
"Ha! Well if it isn't Tone Deaf or whatever your group is called." Says a harsh tone that could only belong to that red-haired creep, Kuwabara.
The group turned their attention to the direction the voice had come from, seeing the soloist walking over to them, arms crossed, and smug look on his face. Kuwabara was plenty pissed to hear that the rinky-dink group accomplished what took him a year and half to get in only eight months. There was just no way their songs were better than his; and there also was no way the crowds like the sound of some amatuer group over someone with experience. He's been trained and trained until his voice went raw by KISS and only now has his music really grabbed people with his song Rocket Hanabi no Love Song. Noizu pulled out of his tour as the opening act, and he's now with a pop singer Tamaki Nami, she's fun but not what the groups rival wanted to have around. He was hoping for some comradery to form between them, after all, they work practically for the same person- like father like son right?
"Kuwabara did you have to bring that over here," says Yusuke. "People are eating."
Looking over his shoulder, not seeing anything he asked. "Bring what?"
"Your face." Replies Koenma for his friend.
Kuronue snickered popping his fist against Yusuke's.
"Ha ha ha. So where are you guys heading next. I just arrived here- yep, gonna be singing for a packed house, but that's to be expected from a talent like mine."
"We're going to Chiba." Says Hiei absently, as if he were still in his room yesterday speaking to that boy Kurama.
All band members of Noizu looked at the vocalist like he'd lost his mind. Kuwabara is the enemy no if's, and's, or but's about it. So why the polite, correct, and lacking in sneer reply?
Even Kuwabara looked stunned for a moment. "Yeah well," he returns his expression back to snob. "I'd wish you good luck, but luck doesn't perform miracles." Laughing he walked away.
"And neither does your plastic surgeon!" Shouts Yusuke. Looking at the singer, Yusuke slaps him on the shoulder. "Hiei, what's the deal? You sick or something?"
"Huh?" He asks having heard him perfectly clear.
Figuring the singer's reason for odd behavior, Koenma comments. "We're gonna have to do a mixed show with him and some others in Tokyo, better to be civil- right, Hiei?"
"Whatever." Says the lost in thought, before standing and walking to the restroom.
Jutting a questioning thumb in his direction, Yusuke cocks a brow at their vocalist's behavior, but the others just shrugged it off.
Passing by two men that came from the bathroom, Hiei stepped inside glancing at the open doors of the stalls. Most people meet one another in the bathrooms, right? There was no way Kurama was just at the hotel to see him, and is actually staying some place else. Who does that?!
Sneaking up behind him, a long finger extends to touch the teen on the shoulder. "Hiei."
Jumping out of his skin, he turned around to see... Kuronue.
"Why are you acting so weird today? Did something happen last night."
Recalling the brief kiss, he flushed with heated cheeks before shoving past his friend. "No. Can't I just be mysterious today."
"Mysterious? Excuse me." He put his hands up in defense before following the shorter male from the bathroom. Heading back over to the table, the nightengale clears his throat then says. "Relax guys, Hiei's just being a mysterious teen today- so no cause for alarm."
Laughing, Yusuke says. "Our bad."
"Yeah. We didn't know you decided to become a delicate genius." Comments Koenma pushing his seat in.
Embarrassed, Hiei shoves his hands into his pockets. "Shut up."
Kuronue slapped a hand down on his shoulder, while hoisting both of their bags over his shoulder. "What? You're funny today; we should all be in on it." He laughs.
"I mean it Kuro, zip it."
The four of them exit the hotel and climb into the limo. The ride to the train station was spent teasing Hiei, but the trip on the train, the guys were too busy staring out the window, going on about how cool it was to be in first class when normally they couldn't even ride the trains at all. Hiei kept an eye over his shoulder at their arrival, hoping to at least see a glance of the mysterious Kurama. It would have reassured him that the redhead wasn't just fucking with him to get some bad press going for their group.
'These feelings are so damned foreign, I wish I could talk to one of them about it but what would they say? ...It's not like he and I did anything, or are planning on doing anything, but there's always going to be that question mark in the back of my mind, if we progress as a couple.' Nearly bumping into Koenma when he stopped abruptly before him, he rocked back on his heeled boot then glanced around the keyboardist to see why he stopped.
"We're Noizu." Says the brunet pointing a quick rounded finger at his self and the others.
The receptionist looks down at her registry then nods. "Yes. Here are your room keys. We did have one suite open so someone gets to bunk on the sofa- we're sorry. I'll let you decide amongst yourselves." She slides the cards over to them with a sweet smile on her chubby face, eyes particulary sparkling Hiei's way.
The shortest member of Noize, quickly looked away to show disinterest. The Bellboy came for their bags and to escort the band to their rooms. The receptionist stood up after a realization, and with haste in her tone she called them back to the front desk.
"Excuse me! Can you please wait?" Taking a handful of letters from her desk, she heads over to them knowing her partner would take her customers if they came in. "These came for you all. Sorry that I forgot, please excuse me." She bowed politely.
"That's okay." Koenma took the letters from the woman giving them a quick look over. "Have a nice day." He says, so she knows that they didn't care either way if they got the letters now or at their next hotel stop.
The four of them loaded the elevator with the bellboy at their heels. The ride up had little chatter going on before they were at their floor. The young man pulled the cart down the hall, then points out a door. "Here's your room." Sliding his card through the door reader, he pushed it open then wheels their bags in.
"Hiei and me will share a bed." Says Kuronue when seeing that they've walked into the room with double beds. "No big deal."
Yusuke is already in the room bouncing up and down in a seated position on the bed. "Cool with me." He replied before tossing his weight back, arms spread out.
"Don't get comfortable." Koenma says in the bathroom, door closed for privacy. "We have rehearsal all day. Sawada would kill us if we just pissed it off to sleep."
"Yes, mom." Yusuke points a finger gun to his forehead.
Having taken all their bags from the cart, the bellboy then leads Hiei and Kuronue down the hall to their room. The two have a very nice room with a huge window with large dark blue curtains drawn open to let in the morning light that had yet to get sunny- if it would in this cold weather. Kuronue took the bathroom, while Hiei sat at the desk sorting through the mail.
Taking his sisters out as top priority, he cut it open with the letter opener in the desk drawer, catching a small pearl necklace that slid out with the note. Smiling, he unfolds the letter.
Hiei! You're group is doing so good here in Kochi! Uryuu-san from the grocery says he can't believe one of our's has found fame. Everyone bought a CD, and they always call me and mom telling us how proud they are of you and the others. Your boss couldn't believe it really; I think he's still pretty upset that you left out of the blue like that, but what can you do.
If you're 1 about... I got it for you.
Hiei cocks a brow at how his sisters writing just completely slips for a good half of the letter. But it seems that she got him the necklace as a good luck present. It also said that she is sorry she can't see him perform on stage; that maybe they could come to Kochi sometime and play. Refolding the letter he slides it back into its envelope then walked over to his suitcase- which he brought in with him when the bellboy left it with Koenma and Yusuke, then stuffed it inside the secret compartment.
"Kuro, help me put this on." Asks Hiei pushing the door open since he heard the sink water running and knew his friend was finished- not that he's never seen him pee before but you gotta respect a person's privacy.
"Cute. Did a fan give that to you- I want presents." He helps him do the clasp then turns him around to eye the blue pearl necklace. A nod of approval then he walks over to the mail to sift through it, until he finds his name.
"I got it from Yukina. She says she wants to see us play." He left out the other part, because he really doesn't want to worry himself more than his friend.
"We should serenade her on your guys' birthday." He says not taking his eyes off the letter he's reading. "Look at this. I just got a marriage proposal." He laughed. Setting the letter down, he sorts out Koenma and Yusuke's. "You gotta wonder how the fans know where we're staying, though."
"Hn. Probably Shin telling them on the fansite, so we can get more publicity from it."
"At least they know well enough to stay away."
Paled, as though Kuronue may know something; Hiei quickly shakes it off knowing it's ridiculous for him to know anything, since Kurama's presence was only discovered by him that night. A firm knock on the door told them that they have to head out now, and the two did a quick change then bundled up before heading out.
Shaking his head, Koenma comments. "I can't believe you're really gonna stick with wearing those ridiculously sized hats."
Adjusting it on his head, he grins. "Haven't you ever wanted a signature look- I would have always dressed like this if I could afford it, and now I can, so why not go all out."
"Because you're embarrassing us."
"And acting like a 60 year old grouch isn't embarrassing?"
Crossing his arms in a huff, he shrugs. "I'm no grouch, I just know my limits when it comes to being silly."
"That's a long-winded way to say booooriiing."
A blinding flash goes off here and there, but Hiei is not concerned with them; a long pout has been on his lips since he missed seeing Kurama at all in the crowd earlier in the evening. Shin's secretary came to them, waiting in the limo, with news that they have a photo shoot, and had a few moments to shower before then. The band was beaming with enthusiasm over the day's performances but Hiei continued to lag.
'I'm so stupid to have let someone effect me this hard. I don't even know him!'
"Turn your head to the left." Instructs the photographer.
Instinctly turning his head, Hiei continued to think. 'How could he lie? Maybe I'm hoping for too much and he only wanted to hang out with me for a day- nothing more. This is fame Yeoh, if I can't handle this kind of stuff early on, what am I gonna do in the end, get some dumb girl pregnant because my ego told me to stick her.'
"Can you smile?" Says the man changing the roll of film.
Plastering on a rather good false smile, he sharpened his eyes a bit.
"Perfect. Perfect." Says the man with a smile. "Uguisu-san can you get into the picture with him."
Setting his plastic cup on the table he's standing beside, Kuronue then walks over to Hiei.
"Back to back, make this one look cute- flirt with one another."
Laughing, Kuronue raises his hands to Hiei's sides scrunching his fingers in and out against his skin.
Smacking them away, the vocalist snaps. "Knock it off!"
Both Kuronue and the photographer are shocked by the outburst. Glaring at his friend, his expression softened when he realized what he was doing. Shaking his head clear of the clouds, he smiles an apology to both of them.
"It's okay, you're not the first diva I've dealt with today."
Snickering, Kuronue whispered. "Ouch."
"Shut up." Though his voice is playful, Hiei still meant it.
The two of them made nice, playful, poses for the camera: Hiei faked a punch to the guitarist groin, Kuronue gave his best friend's cheeks a squeeze while making mock kissy faces at him, another favored photo is of the two of them standing close, the taller with his arms draped over the shorter male's shoulders with his chin resting on his head as Hiei looks beyong peeved about it- but only for pictures sake, he likes when Kuro hugs him.
The group took a picture where they're standing from shortest to tallest in a straight line with their arms crossed over their chest. A few other group pictures and many solo ones. They were let out for the evening for a little sleep between the changing schedule.
"Mr. Jaganshi?" Says the receptionist.
Walking over to her telling the others to go on up to the room with a wave of his hand, he blinks the question of 'what' once he's at the desk.
"This came for you." She hands him a small piece of paper over the desk.
Giving it a glance over, he smiles at the neat hand-writing.
I wanted to see you again, but I noticed that you four only have two rooms this time around instead of seperate, so I backed off. Can we meet up someplace at your next stop? Maybe I can come by your room and we can sneak out? If not, I don't mind staying in. I'll see you in Shinjuku.
Smirking, Hiei folds up the note and stuffs it into his pocket. Going up to his room, he quickly undresses then falls into bed beside his friend, but as tired as he is his mind is still throwing this question and that at him and he can't answer a single one of them. Rolling onto his side, he's face-to-face with his friend. As if he just noticed something about him he reached out touching the male's long hair, letting it fall from his fingers. Running his fingers then through it like a comb, he smiled faintly. Unable to keep his thoughts silenced, he extends a finger tapping Kuronue on the neck.
Snapping out of his sound slumber, he sighed with a rubbing of his eyes then asked in a groggy tone. "What?"
"Does having long hair make you feel less like a man?" He asks before he knew what it was that he said.
"Does having long hair," he says slowly, "make you feel like less of a man?"
Cocking a brow at the question, the drowsy guitarist pats him hard on the shoulder. "Hiei, go to sleep."
"I'm serious."
Realizing his friend won't let up until his weird question is answered, he leans on an elbow then says. "No. Never." With a sly smile he asks. "Why? Do I look pretty when I sleep- you wanna cuddle with me under the blankets." Laughing with a thick, still sleepy, tone beneath his voice he shakes his head. "Do what you want, just let me sleep." Closing his eyes again, he's bitter to feel his shoulder roughly shaken. "What now?"
"Have you ever..." He swallowed his words. "Let's say you and I were a couple... would you consider me or yourself as the girl?"
Blinking as though Hiei were speaking english, he considers the question for a moment, then with a shrug he says. "I don't know, given height I'd make you my bitch- we done?" Laying back down he snuggles under the blanket.
'Thin line, Hiei, just let it go.' Thinks the vocalist. 'If Kurama and I get together I'm sure things will just work themselves out... Although, he's probably been in relationships before, which gives him more experience than me which means...' With a heavy sigh, he says. "Dammit."
0 0 0
The next morning they board the train without breakfast, figuring that eating on the train was the better option. The shorter male caught his breath when glancing over his shoulder at some pushy jerk that bumped against his back; full of intent to tell the jerk off, he was shocked to see Kurama standing behind him concealing a smirk before shaking his head as if to say don't look at him. Unable to hide a smirk of his own, the mixed blooded teen wondered just how the redhead managed to slip in past the bodyguard, who was usually his shadow. As they walked down the aisle of the train, he felt a prickling run down his back when the taller male's fingers brushed against his back as he said good bye before Hiei and his group disappeared into their car.
Seated across from Yusuke he gave the drummer a thoughtful smile before turning his attention out the window.
Cocking a confused brow, the noisy teen bellowed. "You're in a good mood today; what's changed?" With a snicker he says. "You done being mysterious?"
"Mind your own business, Urameshi." Says his too happy for moods friend, not taking his eyes from the window.
"Urameshi? Since when?"
"It's nothing. I'm not being mysterious anymore, okay. Just leave me alone for a while."
Scoffing he says as he turns his attention out the window as well. "You are seriously mental."
Hiei didn't care because Yusuke wouldn't understand. He wasn't sure if anyone in his band understood how he feels right now- well, maybe Koenma since he goes completely stupid whenever Botan is around but thankfully the spunky girl is still at home, watching over Bayuu for them. Kuronue has been pondering over Hiei's questions from last night. Then he really didn't think anything of it- actually he didn't want to think of it because he was tired and just wanted to sleep, but now that he's alive and kicking he really has thought them over; mostly wondering why his little friend would ask such questions. But he didn't know how to get the answers without scaring him off or leaving him with enough time to think up some lie to cover it up.
"I'm going to the bathroom." Says said night pest, leaving the luxurious box car. Cocking his head to the side when Hiei steps over his extended legs when normally he would slam right into them his jaw drops.
'Oh my god how could I have not seen it. Hiei has a crush on me!' Eyes shifting with a sly look in them he smirks. 'That little jerk, how could he be embarrassed about it. He knows I would never make him feel stupid about it. I'll talk to him later after the gig.' Closing his eyes leaning his head back on the seat, he smiled to his self.
Sliding the bathroom door shut, he let out a sigh of relief to be away from his band; with his face as hot as it is after seeing Kurama, he didn't think he could trust himself to be around them right now. There was a low knock at the door before a familiar voice came.
"Is there anyone in there?"
Pulling the door open he yanks the redhead into the tiny bathroom with him. The two eyed each other like it were an everyday thing, then the taller male smiled before saying.
"Nice to see you again. Did you get my letter?"
"Yeah, right here." He takes it from his coat pocket, handing it to him.
His quiet laughter made Hiei embarrassed. Taking the slip of paper he looks it over as though he might have missed saying something before he dropped it into the trash bin. "You didn't have to keep it, I'm not a tyrant about sentiment."
"It isn't because of that, I just didn't want to throw it away in my room should someone stay in there after me and find it." He turns to gaze at his reflection in the mirror.
"I didn't know you were that well known."
"I'm really sick of you mocking my career."
"I'm not mocking," he holds his hands up in defense. "I'm just making sure you don't get a big head."
"...Oh." He looks at the floor now.
"I thought I'd bring over something to eat, do you like chinese?"
Nodding, Hiei began to fidget a bit. This was really uncomfortable, even though he wanted to see Kurama, actually being in the moment is still something creepily new to him- after all, Kurama is a guy and as a guy someone has to be the girl, and he wasn't sure if he were ready to accept being the passive little housewife.
"Relax." Kurama rubs his shoulders a bit. "Everything is weird at first, but it'll all sort itself out in the end. Don't you think so?"
"I don't know. Are you gonna stick around even if I can't-.." he lowers his voice. "date you?"
"If you want me to. I've never limited myself when it came to friends."
Relieved to hear that, Hiei turned to the Kurama looking up at him. "We're gonna play in the park today, so we can probably find some alone time after we sign some autographs; then we're going to Tokyo, after that the tour is over."
Taking it all in, the redhead leaned over planting a kiss on Hiei's cheek. "For missing you last night."
"I'd better get going." Sliding the door over, he exits the bathroom bumping into a man that was waiting, giving him the evil eye he continued past.
Kurama stepped out seconds after with a shrug.
Scratching his head the man enters the bathroom then closes the door.
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